
Chlorinated Polyethylene Rubber (Sheet-Shaped)

Chlorinated polyethylene rubber (sheet-shaped) is a special rubber made from special polyethylene synthesized using the metallocene catalyst. Compared with general-purpose chlorinated polyethylene rubber, it has better ozone resistance, UV resistance, wear resistance and low temperature performance.

Application fields

  • Because of its better ozone resistance, low temperature resistance, heat resistance, oil resistance, chemical resistance, wear resistance and UV resistance, small permanent deformation, excellent processability and high cost performance, chlorinated polyethylene rubber (sheet-shaped) is widely used in the fields of extrusion, molding and sheet products, such as automobile hoses, hydraulic hoses, oxygen acetylene tubes, air tubes, rubber rollers and rubber belts.


Customer message

正镶白旗| 尖扎县| 定襄县| 密山市| 凉城县| 云龙县| 新营市| 安丘市| 水城县| 竹溪县| 田阳县| 昌图县| 荆州市| 和田县| 蚌埠市| 万盛区| 大荔县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 双城市| 普兰店市| 光泽县| 师宗县| 久治县| 南安市| 福海县| 探索| 巴林左旗| 伊吾县| 司法| 梨树县| 邯郸市| 吉木萨尔县| 云和县| 防城港市| 梁平县| 务川| 台中市| 丹江口市| 浦城县| 永仁县| 宝山区|